ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
Workshop on the Identification of Colletotrichum by Molecular Phylogeny
Date: 26 – 30 Mar 2018
The workshop covered how to identify species of Colletotrichum using morphology and extraction of DNA, analysis of DNA sequences and molecular data and interpretation of all available diagnostic information, how to report findings and the quarantine risk associated with species of Colletotrichum.
The diagnostic activity addresses gaps in SE Asian expertise in relation to techniques used to help identify groups of pests that are difficult to identify. This workshop provides a foundation for ASEAN countries to improve their regional diagnostic capacity by developing additional skills in identification techniques and improving networking among participating plant health professionals.

Major Activities

  • Classification of Colletotrichum - Cultural and morphological examination of specimens
  • Introduction to Geneious – installation, basics and tips
  • Introduction to online databases and key references for Colletotrichum
  • How to curate and identify sequences using Geneious
  • DIY sequence databases for Colletotrichum
  • Colletotrichum in Southeast Asia – critique of the literature
  • Introduction to sequence alignment and tree phylogenies
  • How to use Geneious for sequence alignment and tree phylogenies
  • Colletotrichum – formal species descriptions (and how to write one)
  • One full day to:
  • a. Complete the sequence analysis and morphological examination of specimens
  • b. Write draft reports, for example, country lists, first reports, and new host records
ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
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