ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
JAIF 1 - Project Activities
The JAIF Final Project Meeting was held on 26th February 2016 at the Everly Hotel, Putrajaya, Malaysia with the following objectives:
  • To present the summary of all project activities to the Meeting
  • To finalize in detail the contents of the final project report
  • To discuss and finalize the Monitoring and Evaluation report
  • To brief, discuss and follow-up on the Phase 2 of the JAIF project
  • In conjunction with the Final Project Meeting, convene an ASEANET Board Meeting to discuss and decide on the future status of ASEANET (and APHCN) and its sustainability.
    Three outstanding participants from the earlier workshop on Training Workshop on Diagnostics of Weevils of Quarantine Importance will be endorsed for the 2nd Phase which is a 2-month attachment training program organised by the ASEAN Plant Health Cooperation Network (APHCN) of ASEANET. They will be trained to improve their diagnostic capability and enhance diagnostic resources in ASEAN.
    The main objective of the training is to develop and strengthen capacity of participants of ASEAN Member States (AMS) in taxonomy in order to be able to accurately diagnose and identify pests and manage quarantine risks associated with agricultural commodities, especially leaf miners and their parasitoids
    Proposed “study visit” to Plant Quarantine & Plant Protection System in Japan to allow ASEAN plant health and quarantine personnel to better understand and appreciate the role played by an efficient plant quarantine system in preventing pest incursions.
    In this workshop, we aim to teach the participants how to identify weevils with economic importance, and the importance of taxonomy and ecology in managing or controlling pests such as weevils. Also, participants will be able to learn techniques in identification based on morphology and DNA sequences.
    Dr. Soetikno S. Sastroutomo, Technical Secretary of ASEANET-APHCN participated in the Eighteenth Meeting of the Experts Working Group on Harmonisation of Phytosanitary Measures in ASEAN (18th EWG-PS) held on 18-19 July 2016 in Vientiane, Lao PDR
    The attachment program was held at the Department of Biological Sciences, Faculty of Science, Nara Women's University, Nara, Japan from August 01 – September 30, 2016 with the objective to improve the knowledge and skills of the two participants for the study of leafminers and to encourage them to contribute towards development of this field in the ASEAN region
    The attachment program was held at the Laboratory of Tropical Plant Protection, Tokyo University of Agriculture (Tokyo NODAI), Japan from October 26 – December 25, 2015 with the objective of providing a basic understanding of the concepts of plant viruses and practical measures, a diagnosis of infected plants, and to learn the latest technology and management of diseases involving viral diseases
    The workshop teaches participants on the importance of taxonomy and ecology of leafminers from the viewpoint of pest management and providing instruction on identification of leafminers by morphological characteristics and DNA barcoding
    The 1st workshop under the “Taxonomic capacity building to support market access for agricultural trade in the ASEAN region" project aims to develop capacity among plant virologists across the ASEAN region in addressing plant virus diseases
    The meeting was attended by 11 participants from 6 ASEAN member states to kickstart the project and establish the steering committee
    ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
    ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
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