ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
Study visit to national SPS / plant health laboratories in Japan & training workshop on the identification of fruit flies
Date: 18 Nov - 2 Dec 2017
Proposed “study visit” to Plant Quarantine & Plant Protection System in Japan to allow ASEAN plant health and quarantine personnel to better understand and appreciate the role played by an efficient plant quarantine system in preventing pest incursions.

The ASEAN Plant Health Cooperation Network (APHCN) – ASEANET Project “Taxonomic capacity building to support market access for agricultural trade in the ASEAN region”, funded by the Japan ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF) has successfully implemented several activities related to capacity building activities for the ASEAN Plant Quarantine & Plant Protection officers and this project is due to be concluded in April 2017. We are considering proposing a 2nd Phase, based on the recommendations from the 10 ASEAN member countries, to organize more capacity building activities - mostly training workshop on diagnostics of major pests and diseases for 2 weeks.

The activity planned offers hands-on opportunity for senior plant protection and quarantine officials to gain practical knowledge on the efficient operation of a national system in the developed world. This opportunity is not possible through something like training workshops. Additionally, face-to-face interaction with Japanese personnel will help build relationships that will help in trade-related activities between Japan and ASEAN.


  • To have an overview on the plant quarantine and plant protection system in Japan
  • To understand the functions and operations of each division under the plant quarantine system of Japan (domestic and international quarantine, export and import divisions, Pest Risk Analysis, etc.)
  • To visit the Research Center, Yokohama & Nara Plant Protection Station
  • To discuss, learn and share field experiences in plant quarantine (inspection, interception, and identification of exotic pests, e.g. fruit flies) from Japanese plant quarantine officers
ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
ASEANET - The ASEAN Network on Taxonomy
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